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  • DARCARS Kia of Lanham

Engine Diagnostic in Lanham, MD

DARCARS Lanham Kia is ready to get you back on the road starting with an engine diagnostic in Lanham, MD. If your check engine light is on or you're experiencing problems with your vehicle, this service will quickly and accurately determine what we need to do to fix your car.

The highly trained technicians at our auto service center will get a speedy reading on your vehicle by utilizing our engine diagnostic service. Once we do this, we can quickly move on to a repair that's appropriate for the issues your vehicle is facing and get you on the road again.

What is an Engine Diagnostic Service?

Engine diagnostic service lets the technicians at DARCARS Lanham Kia get a fast and accurate diagnostic on what problems your vehicle is having. Rather than spending time guessing, we are able to get a diagnoses and act on it with the right service.

What Does an Engine Diagnostic Test Entail?

Engine diagnostics involve some neat tech. They rely on technology that comes built in each vehicle that's sold in the United States. Engine diagnostic tests require an Onboard Diagnostic Code Scanner. When our auto service professionals use the scanner on the Onboard Diagnostic System included your vehicle possesses, a code is given to us. The code we get will show us what's causing your vehicle to have issues. Now that we've diagnosed the problem, we can move forward with the proper repair. Since the year 1996, the United States mandates every vehicle sold in the country must have an Onboard Diagnostic System. That's how we can perform an engine diagnostic on nearly any vehicle that makes its way to our service center!

Why is My Check Engine Light On?

You could be having one or several of any issues that can cause the check engine light to trigger. It's better to not guess and instead let a professional get a diagnostic handled. This will prevent further damage to your vehicle and ensure you're on the road driving again sooner.

How Often Should I Run an Engine Diagnostic?

The good news is, engine diagnostics don't need to be performed too frequently! You should get one done anytime your check engine light is on or you experience problems with your vehicle that arent' obvious. Outside of that, we recommend you get a yearly engine diagnostic in Lanham, MD.

What Do I Do if My Check Engine Light Turns on Again?

If you've recently had a service that addressed the problem your check engine light was flagging and you find that it turned on again shortly after, we are happy to help. Sometimes the light needs to be reset or another problem has occurred that needs immediate repair. Let the team at DARCARS Lanham Kia help and schedule your auto service.

The DARCARS Lanham Kia Auto Service Center in Lanham, MD

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