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  • DARCARS Kia of Lanham

Jul 29, 2022

As unthreatening as potholes may seem, driving over one at a normal speed can cause a surprising amount of damage to your car. Sometimes the damage is clearly visible, such as a dented rim or blistered tire, but sometimes it’s harder to detect, as with damaged suspension or minor wheel misalignment. If you notice any of the following seven signs of pothole damage, visit your local Kia dealer to have it repaired as soon as you can.Replacing Tire Lanham, MD

Bulging Tire Rubber

Potholes can wreak havoc on your tires. The most common result of a pothole bump is a bulge in your tire wall. This results from the pothole pinching the tire’s inner lining, allowing a burst of air to seep out, under the surface layer of rubber. Any large bulge or blister puts the tire at risk of blowing out on the road, and you’ll most likely need to have it replaced.

Punctured Tire

A tire that’s struck a pothole can also come away with a slow-leaking puncture. If you ever notice the slight bump or veer of striking a pothole, always check your tire pressure soon afterward. If you have a puncture, it might be repairable: or you might need an entirely new tire.

Dented Wheel Rim

If you hit a pothole really hard, you may later find a dent in your wheel rim. The aluminum-based rims of modern cars can bend or dent quite visibly under such impacts. If you can’t see any damage on the outside, check on the inside lip of the wheel rim as well.

Damaged Suspension

The shocks and struts in your suspension system are designed to cushion you and protect your car from bumps in the road. Unfortunately, they can also be worn out prematurely by heavy knocks over potholes.

You’ll feel suspension damage as a swaying sensation when turning corners or bottoming out when you go over a speed bump. If you don’t have these essential shock absorption features repaired, the next pothole you encounter may do a whole lot more damage.

Wheel Misalignment

A pothole might knock one of your wheels a little off kilter. You’ll experience this misalignment in a slight pull to the left or right as you try to drive straight. In this case, you’ll need to have a technician set your wheel back to parallel.

Leaking Fluids

An especially hard pothole bump can actually damage your undercarriage, where many pipes are exposed. These pipes can be torn or cracked by an impact, causing one of your vehicle’s vital fluids to leak. After any pothole impact, check with care that you’re not leaving pools of liquid on the ground after parking.

Strange Exhaust Noises

The exhaust system under your car can also be dented or even knocked loose by a pothole. If your exhaust gets damaged, it will often emit strange noises, such as rattling, knocking, or coughing sounds.

Schedule Repairs in Lanham, MD Today

If you’ve struck a pothole and detected any of the above signs of damage, visit DARCARS Lanham Kia. Our leading service team is dedicated to providing an outstanding experience to each and every customer who sets foot through our doors.